To be successful in designing the application with Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K you will need the following tools. MUST HAVE: - Any Matlab release between 2015b-2017a. You can download it from MathWorks - Makers of MATLAB and Simulink - Matlab Embedded Coder license - to be able to generate C-code from the Simulink models - NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K Families. The Model-Based Design Toolbox comes with GCC compiler 4.9, SDK v1.0.0, AMMCLIB 1.1.8, RAppID booloader and Freemaster preinstalled. The package contains all that you need to setup, build and download application to the S32K via OpenSDA port. OPTIONAL - NICE TO HAVE: - NXP S32DS v1.3 or newer IDE. You might need this for 4 reasons: Newer GCC compiler toolchain Debug purposed: attach to the running target and investigate your code Import projects generated from Model-Based Design Toolbox Flash the RBF file in case you want to use a custom bootloader on your custom design board - Matlab Stateflow license optional - to be able to run all the examples from the the NXP toolbox - P&E Recovery Tools and Drivers for Kinetis/ARM processors in case you break the OpenSDA MSD 更进一步地: 建议安装的软件工具有: 1. MATLAB R2018b 文件镜像:R2018b_win64.iso 2. Model Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Family 文件镜像:MBDToolbox_S32K1xx_2018.R1_20180723.mltbx 3. S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1-Windows 文件镜像: (1). S32DS_ARM_Win32_v2018.R1.exe (2). (3). (4). (5). (6). (7). (8). (9). (10). S32 Design Studio for ARM (version 2018.R1) 编译器安装文件列表及说明: 1. S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 – Windows/Linux(REV 2018-R1) (1). S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1-Windows S32DS_ARM_Win32_v2018.R1_b180326.exe (2). S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1-Linux S32DS_ARM_Linux_v2018.R1.bin gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-src.tar.bz2 2. Compiler and Build Tools Source Package for S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1(REV 6.3) gcc-6.3-arm32-eabi-i686-sources-g7fea41d.tar 不安装 Compiler and Build Tools Source Package for S32 Design Studio for ARM 2018.R1 – This source package is presented here for compliance with the GPL and for user to download if needed TAR387900 KBGCC-6.3-ARM32-S32-ARM-2018-R1-UP2018-02-06 17:35:00 3. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 2 - S32K118 Bare Metal Device Support(REV UP2) This update adds bare metal support for S32K 118 and minor defect fixes. This update is cumulative from previous updates ZIP 70066 KBS32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP22018-03-29 14:34:00 4. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 3 – S32 SDK S32K118 EAR 1.8.8(REV UP3) This update adds SDK EAR 1.8.8 for S32K118 and P&E Drivers v12.7.0 for Windows OS. This update is cumulative from previous updates. ZIP 119658 KB S32DS_ARM_2018_R1_UP32018-05-04 14:09:00 5. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 4 – S32 SDK S32K14x BETA 1.9.0(REV UP4) This update adds SDK BETA 1.9.0 for S32K14x. This update is cumulative from previous updates. ZIP 209785 KB S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP42018-05-11 17:17:00 6. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 5 – Service Pack WCT101xS RFP b180518(REV UP5) include S32 Design Studio New Project Wizard S32K1xx ... ZIP 280926 KB S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP52018-05-23 11:04:00 7. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 6 SDK S32K14x RTM v.2.0.0 (REV UP6) This cumulative Update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1, and for ARM v2018.R1 redrop. ZIP 378304 KB S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP6 2018-07-06 11:19:00 8. S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1 Update 7 with S32K1xx SDK BETA 2.9.0(REV UP7) This cumulative Update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1, and for ARM v2018.R1 redrop. ZIP 582401 KB S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP7 2018-08-31 12:16:00 9. S32 Design Studio for ARM® 2018.R1 Update 8 SDK S32K1xx RTM BETA v.2.9.2 (REV UP8) This cumulative Update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1, and for ARM v2018.R1 redrop. ZIP 789432 KB S32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP8 2018-11-29 13:28:00 10.S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1 Update 9 with S32 SDK S32K1xx RTM 3.0.0(REV UP9) This cumulative Update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1. This update adds S32 SDK S32K1xx RTM 3.0.0, AMMCLIB v1.1.15, updated P&E and Segger run control. ZIP 1112193 KBS32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP92019-02-28 14:36:00 11.S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1 Update 10 with S32 SDK S32K1xx SR 3.0.1(REV UP10) This cumulative Update is applicable for S32 Design Studio for ARM v2018.R1. This version update S32 SDK S32K1xx RTM 3.0.0 with patch SR 3.0.1 ZIP 1244430 KBS32DS_ARM_v2018.R1_UP102019-04-05 13:04:00 12. 建议购买的硬件工具有: 1. P&E’s USB Multilink Universal FX or USB Multilink Universal 其中 USB Multilink Universal FX 更快。 2. CYCLONE FX or CYCLONE 独立编程器,用于量产Programmers (Flash, etc.)。 3. J-Link V9.4 or later version